Tuesday, October 5, 2010

McNeil Family

Wild Iris Studio Portraits - Blog

Here's a few of my favs from the McNeil Family portrait session, plus Kaeston just turned 1, so Happy Birthday, Kaeston!!!


Wild Iris Studio Portraits

Salida High School - Class of 2011 - Here's my favorites from Joe's Portrait Session:


Wild Iris Studio Portraits - Blog

Buena Vista High School - Class of 2011 - Here's a few favorites from Stephanie's Portrait Session:

Kate & Chris

Wild Iris Studio

Kate & Chris were married this summer at Mt Princeton Hot Springs Resort. Here's a few more shots from their wedding. Some of the images were taken by me, but the rest were shot by Carl.

Carl - that's a good look for you! lol, jk

My favorite shot of Kate & Chris together :)

Yes - Carl is the King of Rings - I love his ring shots!!

Love the off camera lighting - awesome job, Carl!

My favorite shot of the night - during the reception, Kate told me she had an idea for the sparklers, that she wanted her bridesmaids to spell out LOVE. So, Carl and I did a few test shots, and Carl nailed it with only a couple tries :) The brides reaction when she saw the preview: