Friday, August 14, 2009

My Little Girl

Wild Iris Studio Portraits

Young Colors just opened a new store in downtown Salida. I got some great deals on summer close-outs during their sidewalk sale. Young Colors clothing is designed and made right here in Salida. I love their clothes & like supporting local businesses!

So, with Dani's new clothes, it was the perfect time to get some new pictures! The other day, I was braiding Dani's hair, and Justin told me that Dani is not a doll. However, I beg to differ.... she is my little doll, and I can dress her up and do her hair as much as I want!! (...or at least until she starts to complain! Billy complains when I take his photo. He'll tell me, "Only one smile mom, then you have to put down the camera.")

Here's some of my favs of Dani:

I asked Dani to smell the flowers, she decided to kiss them!

Playing at the park!

Dani loves getting wet!

When I ask Dani to smile, she makes this face! It's so cute, but the best part is that she busts up laughing right after.