Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy Birthday, Billy & Dani!

It's hard to believe that Billy is 4 and Dani is 1! It's so fun to see how happy they are on their birthday, but part of me is sad they are growing up. My baby girl is not a baby anymore. Part of me wishes they would stay little...

We celebrated their birthdays with a party in Denver, and we're planning a party here, too. Here's the first round.

Billy loved his new bubble toys. Much cooler than the bubbles we had growing up.

Princess Dani

The cakes, Ethan blew out Dani's candle for her.

Dani definitely enjoyed her personal cake!
Speaking of children growing, it seems like yesterday Mackenzie was a newborn, she'll be 8 this year!

Willy & Isaiah:


The newest in our family, Lucus Harley:

Mackenzie & Lucas: Jaselyn & Mackenzie: