Friday, July 18, 2008

The Denver Zoo

Last weekend, I was in Denver for a wedding, so we went to the zoo. It was hot! But, we didn't care, it was still fun.

What I want to know is how they get those peacocks the stay?
Grandma Vicky giving Billy and Dani a ride in the zebra jeep.
Where ever there is a train, Billy must ride it! It was a short train ride, so Billy wanted to go again. Maybe next time. Billy got to say "Hi" to the driver and he was so excited.

Next, we went to Monkey Island. Billy said he thought monkeys were bigger than that. So, we headed over to the apes and gorillas, to show him the big ones.
This was the highlight of the trip for me, the gorilla was watching us watch him. Billy got a kick out of it, too!
Even Dani had to go check it out, which surprised me, because a little while earlier, she was scared of the elephants.

Later, at grandma's house, Dani took a bath. My mom put her in the basket, and she liked it! She sat like that for quite a while. She's so sweet!
On my way home the other day, I got a geat sunset. I loved the beams of sunlight, so I pulled over for a quick picture.